Sunday, May 29, 2011

Film List

As you may have noticed it's been quite awhile since I last updated this blog with any new reviews, it's mostly that I've been busy tending to my other blog. Hope you'll understand. I've decided to take a cue from GAWS, and rather than post a review the movies, just keep an updated list of movies that I think are worth watching.

  1. Vanilla Sky
  2. The Fountain
  3. Waking Life
  4. Stalker
  5. City Lights
  6. Badlands
  7. The Holy Mountain
  8. El Topo
  9. The Thin Red Line
  10. The Night of the Hunter
  11. Japon (carlos reygadas)
  12. Silent Light
  13. Breathless
  14. Sunset Blvd
  15. Lost in Translation
  16. The Squid and the Whale
  17. The Royal Tenenbaums
  18. Some Like it Hot
  19. Rachel Getting Married
  20. Annie Hall
  21. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  22. Paranoid Park
  23. Manhattan
  24. Made in the USA
  25. Peirrot Le Fou
  26. Persona
  27. Match Point
  28. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
  29. Barry Lyndon
  30. American Psycho
  31. Margot at the Wedding
  32. Greenberg
  33. Me You and Everyone We Know
  34. The Shining
  35. Amores Perros
  36. The Wild One
  37. Rudo y Cursi
  38. Y Tu Mama Tambien
  39. Rushmore
  40. Casablanca
  41. 12 Monkeys
  42. Rear Window
  43. Jules Et Jim
  44. Taxi Driver
  45. The Hunger
  46. Double Indemnity
  47. The Red Shoes
  48. Yohjimbo
  49. Sanjuro
  50. Dawn of the Dead
  51. A Clockwork Orange
  52. La Strada
  53. Chinatown
  54. L.A. Confidential
  55. Touch of Evil
  56. Starship Troopers
  57. Full Metal Jacket
  58. The Usual Suspects
  59. Blade Runner
  60. His Girl Friday
  61. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
  62. The Match Factory Girl
  63. Week End
  64. Total Recall
  65. Videodrome
  66. Rebel without a Cause
  67. The Awful Truth
  68. Dumb and Dumber
  69. Stroszek
  70. Being John Malkovich
  71. The Bicycle Thief
  72. Black Narcissus
  73. Do the Right Thing
  74. Far from Heaven
  75. Gangs of New York
  76. The Graduate
  77. My Own Private Idaho
  78. Raging Bull
  79. The Searchers
  80. Easy Rider